The privacy of our customers is important to us at and we respect the information our customers share with us by contact over the phone or through email. We outline our privacy policy below for our customers to better understand how we appropriate information that is collected.

Cookies’s third party tool, Google, uses cookies for ads on our website. Utilizing DART cookies permits Google to show advertisements that are suitable to users based on visits to this site and other internet sites visited. To opt out of Google’s use of DART cookies, which is subject to Google’s own privacy policies, visit

Other third party ad servers, besides Google, also have the ability to use cookies to track a user’s movements on our site in an effort to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or other reasons that may be apparent in their own privacy policies, which we have no control over.

Collecting User/Customer Information

We may collect personal information for marketing purposes so we can better tailor your web preferences and customize your online experience. Visiting our site allows us to log the IP address that you use to access, which includes the dates and times of access as well. Please note that logged IP addresses are not connected to any personally identifiable information. only has access to information that is voluntarily given by the customer through direct contact email. Our website is a secured site so we do not track or keep on file any personal billing information like credit card or payment information. We do not share your information with any third party affiliates and only use the information you provide us with to help assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

We do not sell or rent our customer lists.

Unless we are contacted by a customer who requests to not be contacted, we may use your address or email information to send you special promotions, new product announcements or changes to our policies. You can decide to be taken off of our mailing list at any time by either calling or emailing us requesting to be removed from all future mailings. You can change or update the information that is kept on file, which was provided to us directly, at any time by either calling or emailing or logging into your account on our website.

Website Links

For our customers’ convenience, we feature links on our site to other sites that we find may be helpful including tips on trade shows or useful display services. We are not responsible for any privacy policies on any other websites and we suggest reviewing the policies of any sites that are not buyinstrumentation’s.

Adjustments to our Privacy Policy

The contents of our privacy policy are held under the discretion by us and can be changed at any time.

For any questions about Buyinstrumentation’s privacy policy, please contact us at